


Early prevention comes from awareness

Early prevention comes from awareness

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J Occup Med Toxicol.2013 Jul 29;8(1):20.doi: 10.1186/1745-6673-8-20

Reduction of needlestick injuries in healthcare personnel at a university hospital using safety devices.

Hoffmann C, Buchholz L, Schintzler P.

A recent study has concluded that the application of safety devices led to a reduction of needlestick injuries and significantly reduces the risk of bloodborne infections. In 2007, the year before the introduction of safety devices, 448 needlestick injuries were self-reported. The highest incidence was observed among medical staff in the surgery department and internal medicine and, of all occupational groups, nurses had the highest risk to sustain needlestick injuries. In 2008 safety devices were introduced across the hospital resulting in a reduction of 21, 9% of self-reported needlestick injuries, which were only 350, in 2009.

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