


Early prevention comes from awareness

Early prevention comes from awareness

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Nurs Stand. 2010 Mar 24-30;24(29):42-6

Using an intravenous catheter system to prevent needlestick injury.

Sossai D, Puro V, Chiappatoli G, et al
In 2003, a sharps awareness campaign began in San Martino Hospital in Genoa, Italy. In 2005, a safety catheter was introduced and healthcare workers were trained in its use. Data for all occupational accidents from 2003 to 2007 were collected and analysed.
After introduction of the sharps awareness campaign and use of safety catheters, reported incidents of sharps injuries involving catheters fell from 19 in 2004 to two in 2007 and in neither of those two cases were needlestick prevention devices used. Overall, the rate of needlestick injuries was 24.1 per 100,000 cases when conventional catheters were used and 0.4 per 100,000 cases with safety catheters.
The sharps awareness campaign and newly adopted needlestick prevention device may have contributed to the prevention of percutaneous injuries caused by catheters. Until the onset of the campaign, the reported annual incidence of needlestick injuries was six. This increased to a peak of 19 reported injuries in 2004, which could be attributed to improved reporting effected by the campaign.


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